2 Bent Rods

Samantha Beckman went fishing with her young family one day and ended up with a dozen extra kids joining in. Most of the tag-alongs hadn’t been fishing or used a yabby pump before – despite living near the beach – and so a business idea was born.

20 years later, Samantha and the staff at 2 Bent Rods have taught thousands of kids how to wet a line from the Gold to the Sunny Coast and out west as far as Longreach. Young fishos are shown how to pump for yabbies and catch bait fish with a drag net. Then they’re taught how to bait up, tie a knot and cast. While it’s certainly not a traditional classroom, education is the focus. Samantha teaches them about species, legal lengths and possible dangers in the water.

The veteran fisherman is also passionately spreading the word about pest fish like Carp and Tilapia. Her best bit of advice? Catching something is the bonus of fishing. She says being outdoors, connecting with family, friends and self and practicing mindfulness are the best things about of fishing. 2 Bent Rods host holiday workshops, competitions and lessons for adults too. Their birthday parties are a real hit and yes – you can bring fish cakes!