Avoid the Boat Ramp Blues

There are a million things we love about boating at Creek to Coast, but if there’s one thing that we avoid at all costs, that’s the boat ramp blues. Here’s how you can avoid them too.

Use the rigging area

If you’re new to reversing boats, the pressure at the boat ramp can be intense. It never feels good to be the person who’s holding up the queue. One really easy way to avoid that, is use the rigging area. Do all your checks in this space, before you start reversing down the ramp itself. You can make sure the pin in your shackle is loose, put up your aerials, tie down your straps and of course, put your bungs in! Once you’ve done that, you can head on over to the ramp.

Reserving strategy

Once it’s your turn to head to the water, you want to pull up and straighten the trailer as much as possible. This way you are already in line with the boat ramp. When you start reversing, be sure not to over correct. Just chase the boat slightly, only making small corrections. Remember, a little goes a long way! On your very first go, it always helps to have someone who’s familiar with the boat and the ramp in the car with you.

Choose your timing wisely

If it is your first time, or you’re not feeling confident, choose a time to practice wisely. Avoid peak times at the boat ramp, like on weekends. If you can, practice somewhere else first.

To make sure your boat and car are covered at the boat ramp, contact Youi. They’ll help you find a policy to suit your needs, in and out of the water.