Home Creek To Coast BCF Flatties

BCF Flatties

BCF Flatties

25 years ago a little fishing competition started, fast forward and now the Gold Coast Flathead Classic is huge, with over 300k in prizes.

Brendan Knight is a hot contender and has been participating in the competition for years, how did he get so good?  The answer is: practice, practice, practice.

Scott and Brendan are practicing on the Coomera River, about half way between Brisbane and the Gold Coast.

Scott and Brendan are using 50mm hard body lure shrimp imitation, dives down to about 45 meters. Brendan recommends using a light leader, 8lbs, and the savage black 2000 while Scott is having a go with the savage stealth 2000 reel.

What you must watch out for with Flatties is the two short spikes on either side of their heads and just for good measure one on top of their heads.  They do contain venom..not fatal but hurts like hell and could cause infection …there is a saying that if you get stung you should rub the slime from the belly of the fish that caused the sting to reduce the pain….but we haven’t tested the theory.

There is a limit with size and possession in Queensland with Flathead – the information below is from the Queensland Government

All (exceptions follow)

  • 30cm min
  • Combined limit of 5 in total of all species (except dusky flathead)Dusky (mud flathead)
  • 40cm min 75cm max
  • Possession limit of 5

BCF is your first point of call for all your savage gear.

If you think you are a hot contender for the 2018 Flathead Classic check out his website.