Riviera Festival of Boating

Luxury motor yacht owners and those with aspirations to own one should save the date for March 17-19, 2017 when Riviera hosts it annual Festival of Boating at the Gold Coast Marine Precinct at Coomera.

The three-day event features an array of luxury yachts that are open for inspection, and the program is packed with marine education workshops. They include information about navigation, safety, weather forecasting, and there is a specific Ladies Skipper Program.

Participation will ensure that owners of a Riviera are armed with all the knowledge as they live the Riviera dream.

Sally Jenyns will be presenting a “Galley Provisioning Workshop” at the Riviera Festival of Boating from 10.30-11.30am Sat 18th March. With a lifetime of experience travelling and cooking on boats, Sally will be sharing her knowledge and tips to make shipboard catering a breeze.
“In my life time I’ve seen boat life change….these days we are just as likely to see women driving the boat, as we are to see men busy in the galley.What hasn’t changed is that the galley is still the soul of any boat and the better it runs the better the trip will be. Its quite possible to be an excellent cook but not run a galley efficiently…Riviera, and myself, don’t want anyone in charge of the catering to feel like a galley slave….we want you to feel like the most popular and relaxed person onboard!” ~Sally Jenyns.

Riviera Festival of Boating