Home Activities Twin Falls Walk, Springbrook

Twin Falls Walk, Springbrook

Twin Falls Walk, Springbrook

There really is nothing quite like Springbrook, a preserved patch of wilderness, tucked in behind the Gold Coast, less than an hour’s drive from the centre of Surfers Paradise.

Twin Falls Springbrook

Today we catch up with National Parks Ranger Tanya Sweeney and embark on the Twin Falls Walk – a four-kilometre loop that runs along the escarpment, drops into the valley before climbing back up the ridge again.

Twin Falls Springbrook

You can complete the walk in an hour or two, depending on how long you want to spend relaxing at the base of the falls.

There are a couple of campsites in the National Park, if you’re keen to extend your stay and check out a cople of the other walks in the area.  The team at BCF can get you kitted for hiking and camping.


More info:

Springbrook National Park
