Your Guide to Getting on the Road

The trick to any successful caravaning adventure, is to make sure it is fun and stress free. You don’t want to spend your hard-earned time off, worrying about how to get to your destination. That’s why Sian from Caravaning Queensland has come up with your guide to getting on the road.

Pre-Trip Check

A simple pre-trip check could save you a lot of heart-ache when you’re out on the road. This means checking the tires on your car and van, checking wheel nuts and brakes. Also be sure that all the lights are connected on your van. This will keep you and your family safe while on the road.


Before a big trip, make sure your caravan has been serviced. You should take your van in for a service every 12 months or every 10,000 kilometres, depending on how much driving you’re doing.


Planning Your Route

It can be really frustrating when you’re in the middle  driving to your next stop, only to find out the road your map is taking you on, isn’t suitable for a caravan. The easiest way to avoid this, is through thorough planning. Doing some research of the local area can help you decide which route to take. Make sure you schedule stops along the way, to get out of the car and stretch your legs. Also, ensure any stops along the way aren’t for trucks only.


Following Road Rules

It might go without saying, but the simplest way to get to your camp safely, is to follow road rules. Always check speed limits. Remember, you’re on holiday. There’s no need to rush.

Get Covered

Now you’re all set to hit the road, make sure you get in touch with Youi. The friendly team will help find the right policy for you, covering you in case anything goes wrong while you are away.  That way you’re guaranteed to have the peace of mind you need, for a relaxing break.