Sunny Coast Pearl Perch

The Sunshine Coast is a great place to go fishing, especially if you’re looking to catch pearl perch fish. These fish are found in abundance off the Sunny Coast, and they make for a delicious meal when cooked correctly.  So, what are you waiting for? Grab your gear and head on down to the Sunshine Coast for some great fishing action. Pearl perch are just waiting to be caught – and eaten! – by you.

When it comes to fishing for pearl perch on, there are a few things you need to know in order to be successful. First of all, you’ll need to find a good spot where these fish are known to congregate – the best places to look are near patches of rubble found on the sounder, as they tend to hang around these areas in search of food.

They love liveys or if they’re a bit shy, strip bait will get them going. Drop the baits down on the rubble patches and a couple of winds from the bottom and drift through.

Pearl perch are not particularly shy fish, so don’t be afraid to let the line load up – but when you do, hold on, these fish put up a good fight for their size, so be prepared for a bit of a battle once you’ve hooked one. Another tip is to keep the pressure on, as you can drop them– with their big bucket mouths they can easily spit the bait.

If all goes well, you should soon be bringing in a nice catch of pearl perch! These fish make for great eating, so be sure to clean and fillet them properly before cooking. Pearl perch are best cooked simply, so try pan-frying or grilling them with some lemon and butter. Enjoy your fresh catch!

Thanks to the team from SCF Australia for joining us on the hunt for pearlies! If you’re interested in their work, give them a follow on their socials or find out more by heading to their website!

Happy fishing!