Home Fishing Best of bread and butter species

Best of bread and butter species

Best of bread and butter species

Many fishing memories are made on the beach. We hear dozens of stories from anglers we interview all the time about how they caught the fishing bug from a parent or grandparent, fishing off the beach when they were youngsters.   

Australia is blessed with some of the world’s best beaches, and what’s better, is that they are so accessible to so many of us.  

Fishing from the beach means you’re a chance of catching any number of “bread and butter” species. The varietals of fish that tend to be stock standard. Old faithful species we reckon! Stuff like whiting, bream, flathead and from the beach, you can add Dart and Tailor to that mix.  

The best thing about bread and butter fishing at the beach is how little you need and how simple your setup can be.  

For Scott, his go to is a long shank hook on a metre to a metre and a half worth of trace, followed by a swivel and a running ball sinker behind that. Paired with his father’s old Alvey, of course.  

Now more than ever, we are being encouraged to fish local, so why not head out to your local beach this weekend and make some memories.  

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