Gary’s Fishing Tips

I’m sure we’re not the only ones who LOVE chasing Tailor during the cooler months. Gary certainly does! There are a few schools of thought when it comes to Tailor rigs. Spin or Alvey, slugs or bait; then the question is what kind of bait?

The old faithful Pilchard is the go to for beach fishermen. Three ganged hooks is the tried and true method, but Gary has added his own little touch to it.

“I find if you put the sinker between two swivels (between your hooks and leader), it reduces the amount of line twist that you have, and also when you cast, your sinker isn’t going a long way one way and your bait going the other way, fighting each other.”

Gary also suggests 40pound fluorocarbon as leader. You can use wire to combat the teeth of those bigger fish, but Gary reckons you get more bites with Flurocarbon.

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